Optimising Women's Health: 6 Crucial Supplement Mistakes to Avoid
Photo by Siobhan Calder
So you might know I’m a Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Practitioner with 121 clinic work, but did you also know that I consultant for brands (that align with my values) and want to create amazing quality and effective supplements. So, I'm thrilled to delve deeper into a topic that to be honest, is damn confusing for most – supplements.
Let’s start with 6 common mistakes that might be hindering the effectiveness of your supplement regime.
01: Blindly Following SUPPLEMENT Trends
In a world where wellness trends seem to change overnight, it's tempting to jump on the bandwagon without considering if it aligns with your unique needs. Personalisation is key. What works for one person may not work for and even cause potential health concerns for another. Supplements can contradict certain medications, build up to toxic levels, and worsen symptoms if not selected for your unique physiology. It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional to determine which supplements are right for you.
02:Thinking you never need supplements as you have a healthy diet
Food should always come first. However, one common misconception is the belief that a well-balanced diet alone provides all the necessary nutrients, rendering supplements unnecessary. While a nutrient-dense diet is undoubtedly crucial, several factors can contribute to nutrient gaps, meaning that at times supplements might be needed when working towards optimum health or resolving symptoms.
Reasons why supplements sometimes are needed:
Modern Lifestyle Challenges: Hectic schedules, processed foods, and environmental factors can deplete the nutritional content of our diets. Did you know stress alone can deplete us of B-vitamins, vitamin C and Magnesium?
Individual Variances: Each body is unique, and factors such as age, hormonal fluctuations, and specific health conditions may increase the need for certain nutrients. There are also common genetic “SNPs” which mean we have differing needs for certain nutrients - if you’re interested, ask me more about genetic testing.
Nutrient Depletion: Farming practices, soil quality, and food processing can result in reduced nutrient levels in our food compared to what our ancestors consumed. The research is quite scary when seeing how the minerals in our soils have been depleted, and how the nutrient density of food has changed.
Sunshine: from Oct-Mar, no matter how sunny it is, if you’re in the UK you will not be producing vitamin D. The sun is just not at the right angle to get the UV light needed to Earth. Hence why it is recommended everyone supplements vitamin D throughout these months.
03:Neglecting Nutrient TIMING,Synergy and interactions
Think of your body as a symphony, with each nutrient playing a crucial role. Neglecting the importance of nutrient synergy can limit the effectiveness of your supplement regime. For instance, combining vitamin C with iron-rich foods or supplements enhances iron absorption. But taking it with your tea, or calcium, will inhibit it’s absorption. Not all supplements should be taken together, and some should be taken at different times of the day. Nutrients such as B vitamins can be stimulating, so it’s best not to take them in the evening which may impact your sleep. Certain nutraceuticals need fats to aid absorption. Others should be spaced away from any medications. These are just some of the many considerations. Don't just focus on individual nutrients; consider how they work together, when they work, and any inhibitors for maximum impact.
04: Ignoring Gut Health
You are not what you eat (or take), but what you absorb. Taking supplements without addressing gut health can be like watering a garden with a leaky hose; you're not getting the full benefits. If there are digestive symptoms, it’s likely there could be issues with absorption and assimilation of nutrients. So don’t ignore the gut and work on repairing the gut first. Otherwise, it could just be wasted money and time.
05: Overlooking Quality and Source
Not all supplements are created equal. Quality matters. Sadly with supplements, money usually does buy you quality. However, there’s also some expensive brands that just have very good marketing and don’t warrant the price tag. Opt for supplements from reputable brands that prioritise sourcing high-quality, bioavailable ingredients. I usually work with practitioner-grade supplements in clinic, which might only be available via practitioners, they have great quality and forms of nutrients to ensure maximum absorption. Cheap, synthetic supplements may not provide the same benefits. Take the time to check labels, it’s not only about dose but also the form of the nutrient.
06: Disregarding Individual Needs
Women's health is as diverse as the women themselves. Disregarding individual needs when it comes to supplementation is a common mistake. Age, hormonal fluctuations, lifestyle, and specific health goals should all be considered when tailoring your supplement regime. A personalised approach ensures you receive the right nutrients in the right amounts to support your unique requirements. It is really important to know your levels of certain nutrients before supplementing. Supplementing blindly with nutrients such as iron can be damaging, excess iron can be pro-oxidative in the body leading to oxidative stress and inflammation - it’s best to test, not guess.