Empowering and supporting women to take back control of their hormones and health, to live a vibrant & symptom-free life.

Simple, targeted and personalised changes can make big differences. If you’re ready to take the first step to rediscover your health & happiness, you’re in the right place.

Alexandra Marie MSc | Nutrition & Wellness

Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, hormonal, or struggling with fertility?

Sick and tired (literally) of running on empty and feel like you’re just about surviving the days?

Used to putting yourself at the bottom of the pile, whilst trying to battle exhaustion, low mood, or rampaging hormones.

Battling with PCOS, PMS, amenorrhea, thyroid conditions, IBS, unexplained infertility, or endometriosis?

Alexandra Marie MSc | Nutrition & Wellness

Hello, I’m Alexandra

I am a registered nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner and mama to Hera. I help to support women through these tough transitions and into a motherhood where they can flourish. Working with you on achievable, realistic and fit for real life support. Getting your hormones, mood and energy balanced. Enabling you to feel happy, healthy and thrive.



Download your FREE Quickstart Guide

Why do we need to consider the whole body for fertility? Why might your gut and liver matter when trying to conceive? Want a pregnancy that can set you up nutritionally for post-partum? Want to take away the exhaustion and overwhelm from motherhood? This guide is for you.