Hi, I’m Alexandra
I’m a registered nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner and mental wellbeing expert, specialising in fertility, pregnancy and motherhood.
I am passionate about demystifying the nutrition noise for women, helping you to understand that there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach; that similar symptoms can have different root causes amongst us, and how personalised nutrition can help address this.
I truly believe, if we thrive, so too will the next generation, our children. Since becoming a mama, it shocked me how much more support and attention women truly need. Research shows that not only does your nutritional status in the months leading to conception help to shape your baby’s future health, it can drastically impact your chances of conceiving. Additionally, pregnancy and childbirth can leave you depleted; with risk of maternal mental health issues associated with certain nutrient deficiencies.
Symptoms of nutrient depletion such as low mood, exhaustion, low libido, and weight gain can plague us well beyond the post-partum period if left unaddressed. Yet these symptoms are often being passed off as just a by-product of ‘motherhood’ that we have to deal with. There is not only a brand-new baby, but a brand-new mother who needs nurturing and replenishment. It is my mission to help make this happen.
I am an MSc level, registered nutritionist (mBANT, CNHC) and functional medicine practitioner, alongside being an NLP coach to instigate and support behavioural change. I am a total foodie, and it has always played a huge part in my personal and working life.
In 2016, I opened my opened my food consultancy after years spent travelling the world developing chocolate and desserts for a global retailer. This ‘working diet’ and corporate city-life soon took a toll on my physical and mental wellbeing; igniting my passion and need to restore and nurture balance in my body, and learn even more about nutrition. I focused my MSc research on the impact of chronic stress on the brain, focusing on the effect personalised nutrition can have to alleviate anxiety and improve mental wellbeing.
Through pre-conception, pregnancy and since becoming a mother, I have also used my knowledge of nutrition, hormones, food and supplements, navigating my own experiences of hormonal imbalances and post-natal depression.
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Accreditations & memberships

01. Credible
There is a lot of ‘nutrition-noise’ and conflicting opinions. My approach is 100% honest and unique to each individual. My practice is built on strong Masters degree-level foundation, evidence-based knowledge and a long and successful career in the food industry.
02. Sustainable
I’m not about striving for perfection, because actually life can be quite messy and raw. Instead I provide life-changing advice, realistic and fit for real life and the challenges that come with it.
03. Relatable
Having gone through similar experiences, I make my clients feel listened to from a place of understanding and relatability, and the drive I have to help improve their life is truly heart-felt.

Centre for Nutrition Education & Lifestyle Management (CNELM), accredited by Middlesex University. Distinction achieved for research dissertation, reviewing the impact of chronic stress on the brain and consequential anxiety.
Centre for Nutrition Education & Lifestyle Management (CNELM).
First Class Honours Degree, University of Leeds.
Qualified Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) Practitioner, ANLP
A unique and tailored nutritional programme to boost health and wellbeing, increase energy, restore metabolism & aid weight loss, naturally.

Download your FREE Quickstart Guide
Why do we need to consider the whole body for fertility? Why might your gut and liver matter when trying to conceive? Want a pregnancy that can set you up nutritionally for post-partum? Want to take away the exhaustion and overwhelm from motherhood? This guide is for you.